The Fourteenth Day

Henrietta house When I travel, I find it fascinating to see what types of houses people live in and used to live in. Dublin boasts one of the best examples of Georgian houses and squares. (Georgian era in 1714-1837). If you want to find out about how people lived in Dublin, head for 14 Henrietta House on Henrietta Street. Henrietta House shows the 270 years of housing history in Dublin. Dublin was the second city of the British empire and a seat of learning and commerce in the 1700s. Henrietta Street was developed for wealthy and influencial families by a banker and politician. 14 Henrietta House was owned by one family at first, and the house was supposed to display their wealth. The house has four storeys over the basement. The first floor was for entertainment. Kitchens were in the basement. Servants’ quarters and nurseries were placed on the top. Assemblies, dinners and parties were held on regular basis. The role of the wife was important in the house. She practi...